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Refuted: Smart New York City designer turns constructing codes

Posted: 05 Oct 2014 04:43 AM PDT

wpid building code subversive abuse Interdit: Intelligent NYC architecte Bends bâtiment Codes

You hook up to your first condo, a little yet pricey in Brooklyn flat, close when the designer enjoys (so not to have to be listened to counsel on each side) and whisper that it a mystery washroom second. It is no joke, but a space behind a thin layer of gypsum wallboard.

wpid building tall codes airspace Interdit: Intelligent NYC architecte Bends bâtiment Codes

In one more case, the hidden room has actually been a DJ booth. Yet … Why? New York architect , that Robert Scarano also well a public review directly inform you itself, however it’s a technique to run away authorities by declaring a bottom of a mezzanine (which area, the total is counted square off in direction). BldgBlog and the New York Times was adhered to by the story, which practice in his very own home town has reached simply an orgasm with prohibition of Scarano.

wpid building warehouse roof addition Interdit: Intelligent NYC architecte Bends bâtiment Codes

Now, transform an individual (or break) the guidelines that a person too many times in New york city, has at least a combined credibility Scarano. Some consider the construction of buildings through the mistake of the quality and elevation by licenses, zoning, code and exchange of rights air of the structure, a misfortune of the city. Others view him as an artist, push the envelope, bar, preference and design, and size and imaginative analysis of the policies to traditional restrictions. All the same, his works are big in type and feature, still typically as a result of the portal which they are, identifiable (be it individual realty, Multifamiliales real estate, commercial or institutional in nature).

wpid building big mansard roof Interdit: Intelligent NYC architecte Bends bâtiment Codes

Several of the flats and condos have big dual elevation rooms and successfully twice the location of exactly what is done legally with special regulations on mezzanine, lofts, granaries, storage space and car parking. But the city started slowly to means up to his methods for many years, a civil match against his company submission and ultimately, which restrict all formalities of filing or accrediting any type of structure in New york city. He argues it about with regional consumers continue to function, however, exactly what takes place, so expect disguised homes on a number of articles greater than easy single stock homes.

wpid building robert scarano NYC Interdit: Intelligent NYC architecte Bends bâtiment Codes

It is not exactly Altruistic – nevertheless clients are generally quite abundant – but it is consistently a sort of subversive protest resourcefulness in how itwithin works (and outside) sometimes the system, surprise clients, for example with additional rooms that knew they did not exist up after she had purchased their homes. As BldgBlog said, it’s just clever a way in which it architecture also transform-like language with its own purposes (basement in comparison to cave, Grenier compared with mezzanine, etc) – a goes almost deconstruction Derrida and reconstruction of the terms relating to the built environment. Of course, owners architecture blocked adjacent low-rise could the Sun not see things in such poetic philosophical light. Anyway, it must be great however, for the people of New York City that is life in the luxury of the old buildings.

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The big apple City skyline Residence Office, from the side you like New york city City

Posted: 04 Oct 2014 04:40 PM PDT

A French Style Workshop, designed an appealing Inside Ministry on the silhouette of the city of New York is based on the page of you. Mary Sharp Beaufort. The city is most definitely a treasure among the communities if it is entitled to DIY tasks the home marvels, found in the Big Apple, and it. At your Residence, you could increase to develop their own similar Home Office, possibly to like you, if you take place to deal with a regular basis from residence; or if you have much homework to overtake the. The Office of the NYC horizon has enough space for your Workplace needs available, yet you could acquire one of these chairs, the wheels to far better navigate-based tablet computers of the horizon has. The du Cote de chez vous

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Cenefas de papel pintado

Posted: 04 Oct 2014 05:31 PM PDT

Cenefas de papel pintado
¿Quieres decorar las paredes de tu hogar de una forma diferente? Pues hoy te proponemos que lo hagas a través de las cenefas de papel pintado, que son una forma sencilla y barata de darle un aire nuevo a cualquier estancia. Además, aportarán alegría, frescura o elegancia.

De hecho, la cenefa es un elemento decorativo que en armonía con el resto de elementos de la habitación puede potenciar la idea de decoración que se tenga. Lo normal es que sean detalladas y bonitas, aunque lo mejor de todo es que las podrás encontrar de todas las formas.

Si te creías que las cenefas de papel pintado solo cumplían una función estética en las paredes estabas muy equivocado, porque también son de lo más prácticas. Por ejemplo, puedes delimitar un zócalo con otro de papel, rodear o rematar el mobiliario y otros elementos decorativos, decorar altillos, separar de ambientes…

Por otro lado, las cenefas también sirven para separar diferentes tonalidades e, incluso, distintos materiales. Sea como sea, lo que está claro es que una cenefa nunca pasará desapercibida.

Cenefas de papel pintado

Por supuesto, podrás colocar la cenefa donde quieras, aunque lo más habitual es situarla a un tercio de la altura que tenga la pared, tanto comenzando por el techo como por el suelo. También es bastante frecuente ver cenefas en los extremos superiores e inferiores de las paredes.

Lo mejor es que en el mercado podrás encontrar cenefas con multitud de diseños: motivos arabescos o grecorromanos, dibujos geométricos, dibujos infantiles, flores, frutas, ondas, personajes, estrellas… Además de en las tiendas de decoración habituales, como podrían ser IKEA o Leroy Merlín, podrás conseguir cenefas de papel pintado en diferentes tiendas online, como,, o

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A safe house in Poland

Posted: 04 Oct 2014 03:14 PM PDT

Casa Segura Polonia
In a small village on the outskirts of Warsaw (Poland) surrounded by the usual “Polish hubs” the aged sixty and old wood barns, have discovered a most curious House.

Customers requested to the study of architecture Robert Konieczny KWK Promes housing that offered the maximum sense of security and he replied with a house in the form of parallelepiped, composed of movable exterior walls. Details? Then.

When the “safe house” opens to the garden, the side walls of the East and West move toward the gate outside creating a courtyard. Thus, after crossing the door, visitors have to wait in a safe area before entering the interior of the House. In addition, there is no risk that the children escape to the area of the street while playing in the garden. In short, when the House is closed, the security zone is limited to the silhouette of the House, but when you open it, it extends to the garden that surrounds it.

Casa Segura Polonia1

To realize this idea requires a use of solutions technically complex, as the sliding walls, that interfere with the urban structure and determine the security zone of the plot. Apart from that, there are other mobile elements: big screens and a drawbridge which leads to the roof terrace above the pool.

Casa Segura Polonia2

The whole building is a concrete monolith, with the exception of the moving parts, which are provided with electronic motors and light armor of steel that is filled with mineral wool. That Yes, the House in its entirety is covered with Cetris cement and plywood water-resistant fixed in steel construction and painted with dye of wood dark, very similar to the wood which is located in nearby houses.

Photographs: © Aleksander Rutkowski

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Silla infantil que se monta y se desmonta en 10 segundos

Posted: 04 Oct 2014 12:58 PM PDT

Silla infantil que se monta y se desmonta en 10 segundos
Hoy queremos dejar el mundo de los adultos para trasladarnos al maravilloso universo de los niños. Para ello vamos a contar con una silla que nos ha parecido genial para los espacios infantiles. Se trata de la silla Flux Junior, una pieza diseñada por la firma holandesa Flux.

Flux Junior es una silla ecológica para niños con un diseño funcional que no requiere herramientas para montarse. Está fabricada en propipolineno sostenible y, como podrás intuir al ver las imágenes que te ofrecemos en la galería, es perfecta tanto para usar en interiores como al aire libre. ¿Quieres conocer un poco más sobre este original mueble infantil.

Como puedes observar, Flux Junior es una silla de aspecto moderno que puede quedar genial en cualquier habitación infantil. Sin embargo, lo que más llama la atención de la silla no es su apariencia física, sino el hecho de que puede montarse o desmontarse en tan solo 10 segundos sin necesidad de herramientas. Además, es capaz de soportar hasta 80 kilos de peso.

Silla infantil que se monta y se desmonta en 10 segundos

Al ser una silla plegable es más fácil de almacenar y, como cuenta con un asa de transporte, también es muy fácil de transportar. Por si fuera poco, la silla Flux Junior es fácil de limpiar (solo es necesario limpiarla con un paño húmedo y frotar con paño seco), es resistente al agua y cuenta con protección UV.

Como te hemos comentado, la silla Flux Junior quedará genial en cualquier habitación infantil, aunque también puede ser perfecta para decorar fiestas infantiles al aire libre, para las escuelas o para cualquier otro espacio que se te ocurra. Las dimensiones son de 63 x 49.5 x 31 cm (montada) y de 64 x 1,2x 58 cm (en plano), y su peso es de 2,3 kilos.

¿Qué te ha parecido este diseño de la firma holandesa Flux?

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Housing building in Manresa

Posted: 04 Oct 2014 10:19 AM PDT

Edificio Plurifamiliar en Manresa
We will return to Barcelona, where the other day we show you the renovation of an apartment in the famous Eixample area, to talk to you about an interesting project in the town of Manresa: the Housing building.

It’s a construction of 44 social houses, a shop and a parking lot that is part of the plan of urban renewal of the old town of Manresa, which had as its main objective, regenerate and revitalize the historic center of the city, an area that was the limit of the abandonment.

The design of this building, by Lola Doménech and Antonio Montes Gil, has had as its main objective creating a decent social housing according to the premises of minimal maintenance required by the City Council and responding to the required criteria of sustainability and energy efficiency.

Taking advantage of the different levels of the streets and the square existing is established a direct relationship between the performance of the building and the urban environment. Furthermore, dwellings are resolved with cross-ventilation and are developed mainly on three floors, reaching 4 plants in the South end. Parking, concentrated in three-storey semi-underground, extends below the plaza level. Using the slope generated between the street and the square is designed a ventilated facade of vertical slats of galvanized steel that ensures natural ventilation of the parking.

Edificio Plurifamiliar en Manresa

In order to accommodate a wide range of users are projected different typologies of houses with areas of 45, 60,70 and 90 m2. On the ground floor are concentrated some facilities spaces, commercial premises with façade to the square and homes duplex just level with the inner courtyard.

In the East, South and West facades a cumshot Gallery around the perimeter, bounded by an enclosure of aluminum slats, allows House a terrace ventilated and protected for each dwelling. This enclosure guarantees the solar and visual protection of facades most exposed to the Sun.

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Todo lo que tienes que saber sobre los LEDs

Posted: 04 Oct 2014 07:42 AM PDT

Todo lo que tienes que saber sobre los LEDs
Es posible que a pesar de haber escuchado mucho sobre ellas, todavía no las hayas incorporado a tu hogar y en cierta manera eso se debe a la falta de información. Nos referimos a las luces LED, que gastan poca energía, duran 25 años y tienen una luz cálida y acogedora. Eso sí, resultan más caras.

El LED, cuya palabra proviene de la sigla en inglés de diodo de emisión de luz, es un dispositivo que contiene un material semiconductor que, al aplicarle corriente eléctrica, produce luz. Sin embargo, al carecer de filamento, no genera calor como la bombilla incandescente, por lo que su duración es muchísimo mayor y su gasto mínimo. ¿Quieres conocer más acerca de este tipo de iluminación?

Los LEDs consumen hasta un 80% menos de electricidad que una bombilla incandescente, brillan con toda su intensidad al instante y duran una media de 25.00o horas, por lo que pueden funcionar más de 20 años. Reproducen una luz brillante y blanca que se ve cálida. Aunque pueden usarse en cualquier estancia, son recomendables para lugares como la cocina, donde pueden reemplazar a las lámparas fluorescentes compactas si éstas se encienden y apagan con frecuencia. Sin embargo, no se aconsejan cerca de campanas, radiadores o saunas.

Todo lo que tienes que saber sobre los LEDs

Los LEDs son luminarias reciclables, sostenibles y ecológicas debido a distintos factores: sus componentes no tienen mercurio ni materiales tóxicos; consumen muy poca energía y, por tanto, se ahorrar una gran cantidad de emisiones de CO2; y no emite radiaciones infrarrojas o ultravioletas.

A pesar de todas estas ventajas, los precios son un poco elevados de entrada, pudiendo encontrar bombillas de unos 7 euros, hasta bombillas de 45 euros. Además, los LEDs son sensibles al calor, lo que puede afectar a su rendimiento.

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Mobile schools in Thailand, safe places to learn

Posted: 04 Oct 2014 05:24 AM PDT

Escuelas móviles en Tailandia, lugares seguros donde aprender
After talk of luxurious buildings, like the Casa V located in A Coruña or housing based on the bio-architecture in Italy, come now with a very different, but equally attractive project. It’s MOVING School, a project aimed at the refugees displaced and immigrant communities who live on the border between Thailand and Brimania by Building Trust, an organization nonprofit that provides advice on the design and construction of various humanitarian projects.

Designed by Amadeo Bennetta and Dan LaRossa, MOVING School project can be built, dismantled and built again as many times as necessary, in response to the lack of rights for communities of displaced Burmese soil. Do you want to know a little more about this project by Building Trust?

One of the advantages of these movable schools is that they are designed to reduce the effects harmful caused by floods, as well as maximize the uptake of natural light and passive ventilation.

Escuelas móviles en Tailandia, lugares seguros donde aprender

On the other hand, its modular system allows to locate the School MOVING in any location. The structural elements are standard measures in length both section to facilitate its acquisition and commissioning work. Regarding the Foundation, filled with gravel tires are reused, and cover places a special tissue to reduce the noise of the rain and solar overheating.

For its part, the interior partitions can move creating a flexible that caters to different functional needs.

Escuelas móviles en Tailandia, lugares seguros donde aprender

To go one step further in helping those most in need, a manual of instructions, available on its website, explaining all the steps for the construction of this project has been created.

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