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Denton Corker Marshall – Melbourne Museum

Posted: 31 Jul 2011 02:50 PM PDT

The building is one of the most recent monuments-Melbourne, completed ten years ago. Back firm Denton Corker Marshall won an international competition for the design of a new campus for the Museum in Victoria, Australian architecture in 1994. “Melbourne Museum”, is now the most important and largest website for the most important cultural institution of Victoria.
wpid wpid Melbourne Museum 01 Denton Corker Marshall   Melbourne MuseumThe Museum contains cluster of the event, an IMAX Theatre, an exhibition, trips Hall, separate children’s Museum and a cultural centre, as well as research institutions and administration in a campus of 70,000 m² of the construction of forms.wpid wpid Melbourne Museum 02 Denton Corker Marshall   Melbourne Museumwpid wpid Melbourne Museum 03 Denton Corker Marshall   Melbourne MuseumIs located on a Web site highly sensitive, in addition to the Royal Palace of exhibitions of registered world heritage by the 1880s, which required response, not a building which would control its older neighbors, but that had always a presence in its own right. The brief called for “a campus of the elements”, rather than a singular monumental object. To the North-South extension of the Park and the Royal Palace of exhibitions group all items.

The Gallery of the forest, a large light cabinet with trees, birds, insects and fish, waterfalls and other elements of a Victorian temperate forest is at the heart of this axis.
The roof of the distinctive blade at the rear of the Museum is an architectural answer of the dome on the Royal Palace of exhibitions – element of complementary iconic skyline. The CAP, rising down, direction Centre, another eye-catching element is used to attract visitors from these two roads on either side of the website.

There are three different types of exhibition spaces: adaptable “Black Box” spaces for exhibits focus on the object. more architecturally driven galleries are displayed larger objects; and areas separated off the grid, such as the children of the Museum and the Aboriginal Centre blur the boundaries between buildings and exhibitions in their own right. Museums break shop outside a central gallery space means, that visitors enjoy article at once the seating can areas, toilets, which has a museum shop and coffee without a specific route to getting back in the gallery.
wpid wpid Melbourne Museum 05 Denton Corker Marshall   Melbourne MuseumThe groups plan these different architectural elements within a framework of envelopes grid and control. This volumetric framework is important because of the complex as a uniform equipment, connected with the characters campus stand out and features can be read. Recognizable architectural features help the visitor to remember where the different institutions. 14X14m steel frame houses glass and wire mesh on the system on the roof. The pattern of the computer chip from the plan of the roof suggests an image of modern technologies for the Museum, while the formal qualities of Melbourne grid point of the city.

Administrative bodies and research are for visitors, to people to first hand the art of collection of the see, conservation and restoration allow visible.

wpid wpid Melbourne Museum 04 Denton Corker Marshall   Melbourne Museum
National RAIA Sir Zelman Cowen Award for outstanding work of public architecture in Australia 2001
Medal to the Victorian RAIA, project of the year 2001
RAIA chapter of Victorian William Wardell Award (institutional – new) 2001

See all photos by JOHN GOLLINGS

wpid wpid busy1 Denton Corker Marshall   Melbourne Museum

Denton Corker Marshall – Melbourne Museum is a post from: Belle Interior

High volume: huge library of the House includes several stories

Posted: 31 Jul 2011 02:47 PM PDT

wpid wpid multi story book shelving High volume: huge library of the House includes several stories

You may remember this remarkable House floating box in a previous article, but what we not the wonderful wall covering mentioned history, integrated library that entry level has been reached on the ceiling of the floor below ground level.

wpid wpid multi floor home bookcase High volume: huge library of the House includes several stories

Inside and all floors with an area in the next refined flowing design open the driving motivation behind the whole House related to connectivity – from the outside.

wpid wpid multi level house design High volume: huge library of the House includes several stories

Within the planned regime which this multi-level shelf system acts as a contemporary home, colored but a point of contact for rallies draw the eye on the first floor and back to the bottom of the second as well.

High volume: huge library of the House includes several stories is a post from: Belle Interior

Garden of the residence of Sören Hanft HHGO comes with a focus on the wooden slats-Fibonnacci series

Posted: 31 Jul 2011 02:01 PM PDT

Those of you, the math maybe familiar step with the series of Fibonnaci numbers, hated so I quickly will remind you that we have a number range provided each number follows, is the sum of two numbers that precedes. In this sense, I invite you to admire the residence of HHGO garden built by Sören Hanft in Oldenburg in Germany. We are looking for this impressive House and in particular the grid construction of wood, that it covers. You will find that these fins have various wide, and this is where Fibonnaci series enters. Fin sizes get number with this sequence and while you keep in mind, is perhaps not a pattern, we assure you that since it is a. And this is not notified that many modern architect designs out there certainly a feature unique. By Shanft

wpid wpid HHGO Garden Residence by Sren Hanft Garden of the residence of Sören Hanft HHGO comes with a focus on the wooden slats Fibonnacci series

wpid wpid HHGO Garden Residence by Sren Hanft Architecture Garden of the residence of Sören Hanft HHGO comes with a focus on the wooden slats Fibonnacci series

wpid wpid HHGO Garden Residence by Sren Hanft Modern Home Garden of the residence of Sören Hanft HHGO comes with a focus on the wooden slats Fibonnacci series

wpid wpid HHGO Garden Residence by Sren Hanft Fibonnaci Slats Garden of the residence of Sören Hanft HHGO comes with a focus on the wooden slats Fibonnacci series

wpid wpid HHGO Garden Residence by Sren Hanft Modern Design Garden of the residence of Sören Hanft HHGO comes with a focus on the wooden slats Fibonnacci series

wpid wpid HHGO Garden Residence by Sren Hanft Entrance Garden of the residence of Sören Hanft HHGO comes with a focus on the wooden slats Fibonnacci series

wpid wpid HHGO Garden Residence by Sren Hanft Bathroom Garden of the residence of Sören Hanft HHGO comes with a focus on the wooden slats Fibonnacci series

wpid wpid HHGO Garden Residence by Sren Hanft Interior Garden of the residence of Sören Hanft HHGO comes with a focus on the wooden slats Fibonnacci series

wpid wpid HHGO Garden Residence by Sren Hanft Kitchen Garden of the residence of Sören Hanft HHGO comes with a focus on the wooden slats Fibonnacci series

Garden of the residence of Sören Hanft HHGO comes with a focus on the wooden slats-Fibonnacci series is a post from: Belle Interior

Puzzle properties: how to build a house without inner wall

Posted: 31 Jul 2011 08:29 AM PDT

wpid wpid ocean front vacation home Puzzle properties: how to build a house without inner wall

There are some monumental and basic to this physical simple housing, page ocean that encapsulates, turns and round and wrinkles, separate areas without creating need for internal partition walls, autonomous.

wpid wpid ocean side home interior Puzzle properties: how to build a house without inner wall

SOU Fujimoto House O designed around the needs of customers: they wanted to remain outside to engage Tokyo residence of the Pacific Ocean, its environment relatively open but also in the plan. The first objective was floor to ceiling Windows – the latter with different angles of view and floor, but this unique House still fundamentally to make.

wpid wpid ocean house minimalist concrete Puzzle properties: how to build a house without inner wall

Wood stacked the Board of Directors of the concrete on the gills and outer to interior track angle grinding of straight walls, distorted some rooms to accommodate and create divisions and connections within the building.

wpid wpid ocean retreat house siding Puzzle properties: how to build a house without inner wall

Outside, grey-stone surfaces apart, how directly into the landscape anomalies, but shapes and materials starts to mix in the organic rough rough cliff in a way that is contextual, surprisingly at the same time.

Puzzle properties: how to build a house without inner wall is a post from: Belle Interior

Centre of gymnastics Pegan Petkovšek-national in Ljubljana in Slovenia.

Posted: 29 Jul 2011 07:55 PM PDT

Error in deserializing body of reply message for operation ‘Translate’. The maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 1, position 9063.
The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after 00:00:59.9990000. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.

wpid enota pegan petkovsek 01 Centre de gymnastique Pegan Petkovšek National à Ljubljana en Slovénie.Le Centre National des gymnastique Pegan Petkovšek fait partie de la rénovation complète du parc des Sports Svoboda à Ljubljana. C'est la première des salles de trois sports qui devront être construit à l'extrémité ouest d'une ceinture entre une rue d'accès d'un côté et d'un grand parc de verdure avec sports motifs sur l'autre. Le bâtiment du centre de la gymnastique est placé sur la partie la plus septentrionale de cette ceinture.

La bordure nord et ouest du bâtiment de référence la ligne de bâtiment réglementée par les lois spatiales, qui stipulent également construit le plus grand ratio et la hauteur du bâtiment. Les règlements urbanistiques strictes nécessitent un design très compact qui permet de peu de déviation.

wpid enota pegan petkovsek 02 Centre de gymnastique Pegan Petkovšek National à Ljubljana en Slovénie.wpid enota pegan petkovsek 05 Centre de gymnastique Pegan Petkovšek National à Ljubljana en Slovénie.La conception spatiale proposée avec ses volumes compacts prédéterminés des salles de sport divise la ceinture en trois sections clairement définies, destinées aux halls, qui sont séparés les uns des autres par des espaces de stationnement. Aller un peu contre le design urbain spécifiant le placement des véhicules et piétons de la construction des points d'accès de toutes les rues de périmètre en alternance, accès de trafic est organisé de la rue de la Koprska dans l'Ouest alors que les accès piétons sont clairement séparés et arrangés par le côté parc dans l'est. Immédiatement à côté des bâtiments, le parc abrite un sentier large central avec des connexions à toutes les plates-formes d'accès des salles.

wpid enota pegan petkovsek 03 Centre de gymnastique Pegan Petkovšek National à Ljubljana en Slovénie.wpid enota pegan petkovsek 04 Centre de gymnastique Pegan Petkovšek National à Ljubljana en Slovénie.Le Centre National de la gymnastique est conçu principalement comme un centre d'entraînement quotidien où les athlètes seront passent beaucoup de temps. La ligne directrice centrale était donc de concevoir un bâtiment avec une abondance de lumière naturelle qui appel à ses utilisateurs et inspirer en eux un sentiment d'une connexion directe avec le sport à tous les temps. L'élément clé de la conception fonctionnelle est une ramification communication centrale qui relie tous les programmes afin de fournir des vues sur les moyens de formation ininterrompues.

Les points de vue sur le sport restent avec les utilisateurs non seulement le long de la communication de la primaire, mais aussi dans les bureaux, les espaces partagés de l'hôtel de sport, la boutique, le restaurant et autres espaces. Avec sa forme ramification et sa couleur reconnaissable, la communication de la centrale est également l'élément principal de style de l'intérieur ; en fait, elle étend réellement continuellement de l'extérieur depuis la plate-forme entrée en face de l'édifice comporte également comme sa partie constitutive. De même, la communication s'étend sur les peuplements ; avec divers autres développements bien placés, les peuplements – à côté de leur fonction primaire – permettent également les surfaces de formation être augmenté.
wpid enota pegan petkovsek 07 Centre de gymnastique Pegan Petkovšek National à Ljubljana en Slovénie.wpid enota pegan petkovsek 08 Centre de gymnastique Pegan Petkovšek National à Ljubljana en Slovénie.

Le bâtiment du Centre de la gymnastique est conçu comme un volume compact logement deux grandes salles, considérablement plus bas que l'autre, l'un placé à côté des uns des autres. Le reste du programme stipulé est placé le long de la côte orientale bordant sur le parc et dans l'espace au-dessus du bas des deux salles. Les murailles sont conçus comme une construction en acier léger permettent amplement lumière de passer. Les murs des programmes placés au-dessus des salles sont de conception similaire.

Sur le toit, la conception linéaire des programmes permet à leurs murailles servir de poutres de mur avec grande hauteur statique ; en conséquence, aucune construction supplémentaire n'est nécessaire pour combler l'espace relativement importante de la salle. Les poutres en porte-à-faux mur ci-dessus les salles permettent l'installation de puits de lumière linéaire de toit. Ils fournissent un éclairage même pour les surfaces de sport central, qui – en raison de la profondeur de l'immeuble – ne serait possible en utilisant les surfaces de façade seuls. La surface entière sport est donc uniformément allumée.
wpid enota pegan petkovsek 11 Centre de gymnastique Pegan Petkovšek National à Ljubljana en Slovénie.

wpid enota pegan petkovsek 12 Centre de gymnastique Pegan Petkovšek National à Ljubljana en Slovénie.Le bâtiment est vêtu d'une membrane de façade variée élargi feuille de métal peint en couleurs fortes. L'emballage apparemment complexe mais techniquement simple façade débridé lié avec une interaction intense de la lumière et des ombres donne au bâtiment une expression reconnaissable et léger et convient à la nature du contenu qu'il abrite. Une fonction supplémentaire de la tôlerie élargi est la protection contre le soleil tout en même temps, la structure fine n'empêche pas les points de vue des utilisateurs du bâtiment vers l'extérieur.
wpid enota pegan petkovsek 23 Centre de gymnastique Pegan Petkovšek National à Ljubljana en Slovénie.

L'aménagement de l'extérieur est conçu comme une continuation de l'expression catégorique du bâtiment. La plateforme en face de l'édifice fini en couleurs fortes est le prolongement direct de la communication ramifié de l'intérieur et des fonctions comme un carré d'entrée reliant le bâtiment avec le parc. Le reste de l'intrigue autour du bâtiment est planté de conifères vaste arbustes dont modifications d'apparence tout au long de l'année.

Centre of gymnastics Pegan Petkovšek-national in Ljubljana in Slovenia. is a post from: Belle Interior

Hilton Pattaya by the Department of architecture

Posted: 29 Jul 2011 07:55 PM PDT

wpid wpid image0022 Hilton Pattaya by the Department of architecture

Located in Pattaya Beach, the Hilton offers one of the most concepts of luxury in the region available and fresh. The architects of the département architecture are responsible for the creation of outstanding design in the most important parts of the building. These are the lobby on the first floor, the main lobby, the bar and various recreational areas. The building was actually outstanding design skills with many assessed these architects. The team spent much time on plans for the creation and design of new interior design concepts. It is certain that most of is things that are available, the Hilton Hotel elsewhere in the world that are not available. This is seen as architect of the team you will define the objective of creating unique styles, never by people. The building has a beautiful view of the beach of him. This is one reason for architects, an interior design create that something with the ocean and had to do tropical climates. The team started from scratch with a clear concept in mind. This is what they have managed to create; a quality that users visit it offers luxury. Of course, the hotel is more expensive than a common Hilton Hotel in a normal city.

For example, the lobby and the bar are both a combination of waves and sand colours. The roof and the walls give a very soft feeling, especially during the night is a significant impact on the State. The location is ideal for moments of music and the crowd. However, while the rhythm is almost empty, there is a very steam sensation, which may be exercised at any time of the day. Find entrance hall, which is the first thing you will be one of the most sensational things inside the building when you enter the hotel needs to be. Keep in mind that the first impression is very important when it comes to hotels. It never expected occurs the good experiences in a hotel of the poor are. The Hall has a very important place in the design. However, the Faculty of architecture in his job is very good. The lobby is considered to be one of the thematic and attractive places in the region.

It is very important in the design of the Interior, consider several things. Some architects are only concerned about the way that colors are combined, or if they, or do not match. There are to carry on but other things. For example, it is very important, for which an inner invitation and personal. If an interior feels somehow indifferent, it becomes very difficult to inside encourage people feel. is a combination of colors, textures, and angle of appreciation, what makes a home in a pleasant place. The team was able to achieve these objectives and design of the best Hall of history. Hilton all

Other parties to the hotel, which are nothing but the corridors are very well furnished. Are rules that all contain the very unusual lights ceiling. This is a very hilly Ocean as style. This is what makes the very thematic place, and it is located opposite the beach. The site should be both simple and complex. In this way the concept is kept fresh, but also very luxurious.

Hilton Pattaya is definitely to visit a place at some point in the next few years.

wpid wpid image0041 Hilton Pattaya by the Department of architecture

wpid wpid image0061 394x550 Hilton Pattaya by the Department of architecture

Hilton Pattaya by the Department of architecture is a post from: Belle Interior

Call for entries: 2012 AIA Honor Awards

Posted: 29 Jul 2011 07:55 PM PDT

Celebrating the best contemporary American architecture

Every year since 1949, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Honor Award celebrates outstanding architecture program. AIA continues this tradition by you some architectural firms to present their latest work for 2012 program. Institute of Honor Awards program recognizes three divisions: architecture, interior design and regional architecture and urban planning.

You can use the full version of 2012 call AIA Honor Awards for entries here

The deadline for all submissions is 26 August 2011, 5:00 P.m. Eastern time.

Visit the website to the rewards of the AIA for more details on the submission of projects, eligibility criteria, the information that sworn and previous recipient:

For questions please e-Mail: this e-Mail address is protected against spammers robots. You must display it to enable JavaScript.

You can check here also the prize of the 2011.

Call for entries: 2012 AIA Honor Awards is a post from: Belle Interior

Antonino Cardillo – Purple House Pembrokeshire, United Kingdom

Posted: 29 Jul 2011 07:55 PM PDT

Today, obsession with ethnic sealed national identities. Most people seem to ignore the erratic development of old River shaped European countries. In their current monotonous, lost, forgotten rich paths of the past of our time.
wpid Cardillo purple 03 Antonino Cardillo maison pourpre Pembrokeshire, Royaume Uni

Some memories. In the middle ages, between 1130 and 1194, England and a certain degree is the country of Wales and Ireland, together with Sicily a common Norman domain: mercenary Byzantine culture and identifiers of Oman a fascinating network between the banks of the North and the Mediterranean has introduced after the conquest of Sicily, the conquest of the North Sea. British history for the first time since the time of the Romans, they once more isolation of the Islands. Enter the number zero and many of the innovations of the Middle East regions of Europe – not least brings ancient Greeks and Romans manuscripts of classical text – they are the Foundation for the birth of a modern European.

wpid Cardillo purple 04 Antonino Cardillo maison pourpre Pembrokeshire, Royaume Uni

wpid Cardillo purple 02 Antonino Cardillo maison pourpre Pembrokeshire, Royaume Uni

But the story is full of violence: dominant possession of a docile culture, described as theft to hide carefully manages history; and where misunderstandings begin lack of memory. Learning architecture to heal wounds of history, Pourrait? It makes the hidden missed streets behind everyday life, revealing all hidden behind the dark curtains which would be to call ignorance?

Purple House represents a journey of unconscious and personal language in the legacy of Norman: different elements, examine the paths empirically to re-evoking remote visions, lost, to find a reason: what were the forgotten trade between England, Wales, Ireland and Sicily?

Surrounded by massive walls of carved and co-ordinated by a domestic symmetrical facade with Crystal domes on the corners, architectural forms examine what binds us together in this story. Compact, complex, oppressive, Expressionism, the hollow interior of the cave sculpture breathes light: a light, which increases the curves and the partitions it clot leaves under the corners and crevices. He throws a adamantine safe, abundant, shades create and expand it.

wpid Cardillo purple 05 Antonino Cardillo maison pourpre Pembrokeshire, Royaume Uni

wpid Cardillo purple 06 Antonino Cardillo maison pourpre Pembrokeshire, Royaume Uni

wpid Cardillo purple 01 Antonino Cardillo maison pourpre Pembrokeshire, Royaume UniFrom dawn to dusk, the space and the perception of forms change the backlight in the sense: at noon, it deletes the curved walls in the living room. Light shadow trapezoidal openings in the walls of Lourdes carved; close to the ceiling, the light is transmutation fast blade by a larger umbrella cut.

At sunset, but darkens rooms. The parties now hidden counterpoint, distant stares scattered and sank Base: under fire cave, a huge Brazier shines in the chapel.

Roles of stone, cement interpret the drama of a monolithic and fragmentary architecture made in a sunny day, light and dark swap and violet.

Information about the project:

Website: Pembrokeshire in Wales, United Kingdom
Date: December 2009 – June 2011
Built area: 200 Ms
Total area: sm 350
Maximum amount: 9.5 m
Floors: 3

Antonino Cardillo – Purple House Pembrokeshire, United Kingdom is a post from: Belle Interior

Construction: designed by Zaha Hadid broad Art Museum

Posted: 29 Jul 2011 07:55 PM PDT

Open Museum, Michigan State University in the spring of 2012
wpid wpid Derrick L Turner Michigan State University 1 Construction: designed by Zaha Hadid broad Art MuseumPhoto: Derrick l. Turner, Michigan State University
Edythe broad Art Museum, a new designed by Zaha Hadid Museum of contemporary art at the Michigan State University and Eli to the public by the end of spring 2012 is accessible expected. The ideas through art and culture of the contemporary world devoted, serves wide MSU Museum two an educational resource for the community-based campus and cultural hub for the region of Michigan. The Museum is named in honor of Eli and Edythe broad, long supporters helped date of the University on 28 million for the Museum.
wpid wpid Derrick L Turner Michigan State University 2 Construction: designed by Zaha Hadid broad Art MuseumPhoto: Derrick width UniversityMSU Museum of art is l. Turner, Michigan State as a center of the challenge and the modern through engagement with artists and world understand works of art from around the world. The Museum presents contemporary works in a historical context by access to a collection of studies of more than 7,500 objects, up from the time of Greek and Roman art, the University existing Kresge Art Museum, the collection, Art Museum at MSU will be transferred to that.
wpid wpid museumoutside2 Construction: designed by Zaha Hadid broad Art Museum
Designed by Zaha Hadid, is the Art Museum of wide 46 000 square feet to MSU present an impressive look of the folded stainless steel and glass, distinguish, the new building of traditional brick collegiate Gothic campus North and Museum and the University potential approach signal. Seventy percent of the space is the display of art, including the areas of special exhibitions, modern and contemporary art, new media, photography and working on paper will be devoted to.
wpid wpid museumnight Construction: designed by Zaha Hadid broad Art MuseumThe installation includes also an education wing, a book about the Centre for the study of paper, a shop and Cafe. In addition to the Museum an expansive will be outdoor sculpture garden and a large pedestrian square. Located in one of the most important entries on the campus on the corner of Grand River Avenue and the farm Lane, serves as a bridge between the University and the community of East Lansing broad Art Museum.
wpid wpid museuminside2 Construction: designed by Zaha Hadid broad Art Museumwpid wpid museumsoutheast Construction: designed by Zaha Hadid broad Art MuseumThe art museum width MSU leads his double role as an educational institution and a cultural hub for the region through a program of original and traveling exhibitions, initiatives with living artist, services and offers education for students, teachers and the community. By facilitating the exploration of contemporary ideas and global challenges in all disciplines through the lens of the eye of the artist, an academic resource and a Center for students, and participation of the public, joy and multidisciplinary will learn the Museum.

Construction: designed by Zaha Hadid broad Art Museum is a post from: Belle Interior

NET NULL building

Posted: 29 Jul 2011 07:55 PM PDT

wpid wpid Net Zero Buildings1 NET NULL buildingThe fact that the world climate change above is something that we should really be aware and act on. That is why the architects and engineers really have to create the environment to damage during the construction of the houses to keep their heads to the Green system. There are two important aspects that may affect the environment in a House. First of all the process of construction machines, as well as handling equipment may require it. Typically, these materials affect the environment at the moment they are created. The other option, that a House can cause damage to nature is emissions, which could use of electricity and the waste of water in it. These are the most important areas cover. A House, which has controlled these three things is regarded as a Green House.

These systems are not only to the used and in homes, but in any type of building are also applied. The current system is no generation of energy. This system manages space, materials and electrical installation of building, the self supplied primarily when it comes to energy. This means that there no external source of power as other House or create. Usually people think it is that only with a solar panel. However, solar panels have a big disadvantage. They only work when they are provided by the Sun. In the winter, when people for whole weeks see no sun, it is important to have the systems page.

For example, in the net zero buildings have special floors. These soils to generate electricity from friction caused by the shoes of wpid wpid Net Zero Buildings 21 NET NULL buildingpeople walk on it. It is ideal for buildings, which have much movement of the people. Course, net NULL building panels solar use as well, and they have also hidden factories to generate electricity from the wind. This leaves us with the fact that this building is almost a 100% sustainable automatically when it comes to energy. The beautiful thing is that companies the addition of these systems in its buildings are interested because she would pay them money on energy, which would save no longer, NetZero. It invites people to adopt new technologies. There are some green systems are, who really are no profit to the buyer. A very small percentage of people are interested to invest money for the world unfortunately. If a system is not attractive for companies, is no way that it will ever help the environment.

Today, architects and engineers this idea with “green” buildings conclude these building materials are used, cause damage to the minimum of the world in their creation and their existence. Some of them are more expensive than the traditional, and some are less expensive. However experts work very Fort in so that they 100% to make more people are interested in them.  At the moment they actually achieve this, there are NULL building, net wpid wpid Net Zero Buildings 31 NET NULL buildingis also green. In this way no longer damage the Earth as they will do today it houses and other buildings. It will take time, so that many of the buildings began to use this system. But it is absolutely essential to the environment or what is now that we can always do, take care of.

There is absolutely no doubt, that there hundreds of other ideas on this niche. Several architects in addition to research about these things every day. A time of green construction approaches and it is something to take over and take advantage of the really.

NET NULL building is a post from: Belle Interior

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