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Street residence: writer working Studio live 4-foot closed

Posted: 01 Sep 2011 01:04 AM PDT

wpid wpid skinny concrete cloth home Street residence: writer working Studio live 4 foot closed

It seems a bit as a spaceship, crushed, trapped in a room (to the skinniest) a mere 2 feet and 4 inches wide is. And Yes, he is also built to be and to be living full time.

wpid wpid narrow house interior design Street residence: writer working Studio live 4 foot closed

On a side street, once filled full of garbage and graffiti, this cabinet by Warsaw Centrala is made of plywood on a steel frame with foam insulation, as well as front, top and back of the building.

wpid wpid narrow home building section Street residence: writer working Studio live 4 foot closed

Required (or afford can, the place for) many isolation, as both sides are existing adjacent buildings. Outside will be draped in a white lacquered concrete cloth of both mix standing from their part in the area (from color) (hardware that scale texture, and smoothing).

wpid wpid narrow remote control staircase1 Street residence: writer working Studio live 4 foot closed

Water and sewerage are semi-off-the-grid, work like a boat or a mobile home as a full time normal residence. Down the entries include remote control expands and is available without moving other indoor and outdoor space.

wpid wpid narrow skinny urban home Street residence: writer working Studio live 4 foot closed

As for the construction of the compliance with the code: this structure system, rather a art as a residence facility called dollar (or bypasses). Finally, it is as a semi-permanent housing invited contributors – a Studio for live to visit work closely, but it also very inspiring is to serve.

Street residence: writer working Studio live 4-foot closed is a post from: Belle Interior

Puzzle properties: how to build a house without inner wall

Posted: 01 Sep 2011 01:04 AM PDT

wpid wpid ocean front vacation home Puzzle properties: how to build a house without inner wall

There are some monumental and basic to this physical simple housing, page ocean that encapsulates, turns and round and wrinkles, separate areas without creating need for internal partition walls, autonomous.

wpid wpid ocean side home interior Puzzle properties: how to build a house without inner wall

SOU Fujimoto House O designed around the needs of customers: they wanted to remain outside to engage Tokyo residence of the Pacific Ocean, its environment relatively open but also in the plan. The first objective was floor to ceiling Windows – the latter with different angles of view and floor, but this unique House still fundamentally to make.

wpid wpid ocean house minimalist concrete Puzzle properties: how to build a house without inner wall

Wood stacked the Board of Directors of the concrete on the gills and outer to interior track angle grinding of straight walls, distorted some rooms to accommodate and create divisions and connections within the building.

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Outside, grey-stone surfaces apart, how directly into the landscape anomalies, but shapes and materials starts to mix in the organic rough rough cliff in a way that is contextual, surprisingly at the same time.

Puzzle properties: how to build a house without inner wall is a post from: Belle Interior

Coconut MPLS: Grain Exchange converts Coworking space

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 01:07 PM PDT

wpid wpid minnesota grain exchange conversion Coconut MPLS: Grain Exchange converts Coworking space

The twin cities are at the heart of America’s Midwest, associated by many with agriculture on the architecture or technology. How is it fitting the this new combination of hot office furniture, exchange for less than ten years is Coworking, micro offices and incubator of agricultural commodities.

wpid wpid coworking then and now Coconut MPLS: Grain Exchange converts Coworking space

Space main multi-floor wrapped ornate décor and features real work building out as the room was used as a day-trading real scope. These are also programmable and can be used for art and communication.

wpid wpid coco floor plan interior Coconut MPLS: Grain Exchange converts Coworking space

Wood floors of old House now modern offices and mobile partitions, groups and single rooms cut dedicated for various purposes (such as solo type House, existing SMEs and so on). Dedicated meet and store rooms, sitting up by side doors as also the Opera-like cantilever fields. Old photographed desks are largely to additional areas, space for workstations update and data and makes that moved (see plans).

wpid wpid coworking historic photo ceiling Coconut MPLS: Grain Exchange converts Coworking space

Tonight, this (local) editor attended their celebrate of the launch of the Skyway project, a parallel venture that brought co-Habitates with coconut and founder of start up Autour of for an intensive course to support entrepreneurship and the development of the United States. ”Project Skyway is an accelerator tech for the introduction of software [is] motivated entrepreneurs since 2011 ‘ we help 10 companies of the early software in their offer of start up funds, smart start, mentoring, space for Coworking and connections. »

wpid wpid coco minneapolis grain exchange Coconut MPLS: Grain Exchange converts Coworking space

Coconut space itself is started its kind in the context of an area of St. Paul, last year the second. Together, they are certainly well thought-out options and spread the most twin cities Freelancer, entrepreneur, founder, and others who want to share the space to the network (and save money in the process). ”Coconut is a place, where the self-employed, small businesses and departments working groups come together to exchange ideas, team projects and get some work.”. We are a business center, which gives you alternative to work at home or meeting at the local café. “If you happen to be in the region, not to close Dornob editor friendly task see be surprised!”

Coconut MPLS: Grain Exchange converts Coworking space is a post from: Belle Interior

NGOs and NGOs are a cooled Singapore Beach House

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 08:41 AM PDT

wpid wpid 28 west coast grove 1 NGOs and NGOs are a cooled Singapore Beach House

Highly regarded Singapore as NGO Office & NGOs a renovation of an elegant modernize created House of tropical beach on the West coast of Singapore, more light and a feeling of graceful space.

As a large part of the architecture we provide wet in Singapore, in this renovation project, the habitability key are naturally ventilated in the free rooms.

wpid wpid 28 west coast grove 52 NGOs and NGOs are a cooled Singapore Beach House

Architects used a combination of several skylights to advanced Interior earlier deep deep balcony with view to filter and the worst of the Sun at noon shaded, shadow.
wpid wpid 28 west coast grove 7 NGOs and NGOs are a cooled Singapore Beach House

Porches used deep overhangs wood slats subtly filter light, while fans that move air comfortable hold.
wpid wpid 28 west coast grove 8 NGOs and NGOs are a cooled Singapore Beach House
Combination is similar to the lighting between inside and outside, which makes ample space in the sensation. The interiors are now clear and spacious, while the portals have now filtered light.
wpid wpid 28 west coast grove 9 NGOs and NGOs are a cooled Singapore Beach House
But most makes the use of timeless stone and glass renovation: ideal materials for tropical climate wet. The materials have the cool features to prevent during red and the Carie.

Slowly move the night journey and fans cool powerful air cooled water through the stone, deep into the corners of the House.
wpid wpid 28 west coast grove 12 NGOs and NGOs are a cooled Singapore Beach House
The kitchen also includes also smooth, almost sterile materials, to red to prevent and decay.
wpid wpid 28 west coast grove 13 NGOs and NGOs are a cooled Singapore Beach HouseThe master bedroom has an airy, quiet and simple quality, the relaxing and elementary. But bathroom needs, that a step further on a retreat-like Spa.
wpid wpid 28 west coast grove 16 NGOs and NGOs are a cooled Singapore Beach House
A moat surrounds the room, create a relaxing retreat. As you have passed through the boundary of the water, let the worries of the world behind. A huge skylight provides a highly targeted DAB daylight, right of the bath, in the spirit of the “be here now.”

: NGO & NGOs

NGOs and NGOs are a cooled Singapore Beach House is a post from: Belle Interior

More green Alila villas by WOHA design details

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 08:23 AM PDT

wpid wpid Alila Villas 5 More green Alila villas by WOHA design details

Located at the top of the dramatic limestone cliffs not less glorious sweeps a site that were perfect for resort, but WOHA design and Alila hotels to create luxury without disturbing the local ecology also resort to the ocean, which is looking at the villas of Alila-Uluwatu.

wpid wpid alila villas 4 More green Alila villas by WOHA design details

For this reason, the site was therefore actually in a rather dry and stony savannah region, where some trees could be disturbed. Typical steps of resorts on the site, but a high plateau of the cliff along the southern coast of Bali on the Bukit peninsula.

wpid wpid alila villas 1 More green Alila villas by WOHA design details

More information has the building GreenSource , because we have WOHA design of Award-winning resort eco last year. More new photos.
wpid wpid Alila Villas 7 More green Alila villas by WOHA design details

For example, was intense crushed limestone waste used locally produced. This smooth stone and cool temperate energy consumption inside the entrance to the quiet station.

wpid wpid alila villas 10 More green Alila villas by WOHA design details

Local artisans in Bali and Java neighbors were needed poor region for the production of tiles cement polished in workshops, job creation in a matter of urgency. All furniture was user-defined Java built with copper and local wood.

wpid wpid Alila Villas 8 More green Alila villas by WOHA design details

And limestone, crushed waste including other local origin from white sandstone (Batu Putih Pogya), recycled wood, not Ulin polished local durable coating materials terrazzo, porous rocks, lava, oxidized brass and tempered glass.

wpid wpid alilavillas9 More green Alila villas by WOHA design details

This innovative use of the rocks of volcanic pumice harvested on the roofs of the villas is an example.

wpid wpid Alilavillas2 More green Alila villas by WOHA design details

Pumice stone roof, not only is a familiar medium of culture for native and succulent ferns thrive in the porous volcanic rock and water-absorbent, but offers also a natural insulation for the creatures under sleep.

wpid wpid alilavillas6 More green Alila villas by WOHA design details

Green energy with bio-diesel generators powered by organic waste from the station, and it will finally buy electricity produced by wind turbines on the peninsula.
wpid wpid alilavillas3 More green Alila villas by WOHA design details
And, these new images show that it is always nice to.

More green Alila villas by WOHA design details is a post from: Belle Interior

Number of modern design style house of light airy structure of space

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 08:06 AM PDT

This modern house design has a design of the form plan open, with an elegant style, external and internal to create a pleasant life and modern necessity and the future of the space, and with sustainable concept, a design of the passive house. This modern house design a series of space, light and airy structure, the warm atmosphere of the modern House interior design to ensure. Coating of sandstone brick cream and zinc Panel structure outside of the façade and Tasmania express views land and warm, one creative outside decoration this modern house design. The color of the limestone was also a siding in some inner. This modern house design has lower consumption of energy and reduction of water use sustainable environmental characteristics. This modern house only consumption of 40% of the energy needed, a residence of the same size. Equipment, energy and water consumption, that solar hot water in this modern house like that, to reduce photovoltaics, grey water recycling, reuse of rainwater. The temperature of this House of the building shell that shaded well glazed with a wall double isolated, central spine thermal mass and energy energy efficient Windows. Designed by Swanbury Pengyang laser architects.

wpid wpid modern home design stone cladding exterior decoration1 500x250 Number of modern design style house of light airy structure of space

wpid wpid modern kitchen interior bright design idea8 500x250 Number of modern design style house of light airy structure of space

Number of modern design style house of light airy structure of space is a post from: Belle Interior

Moller instills new life in one of the oldest school of Denmark

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 07:31 AM PDT

The school Sølvgade listed, built in 1847, close to the famous story of King Christian IV Marine barracks, Nyboder, in Copenhagen, has for many years because local error and modern facilities. V. F. Møller has been carefully renovated, in the school and is in the form of an extension, and colors, applies only in the vicinity, but also adds a modern twist to the school.
Solvgade-school-02“The idea was to create a building, the language of children – colourful and musical talks.” At the same time correspond to the building and integration into the historic environment “, explains architect lone Wiggers partner.”

Sølvgade school is surrounded by historical buildings and have Kongens called parks such as Nyboder, Rosenborg Castle and its gardens. Which is located near residential complex, modernist Dronningegården (1943-58) by architects c. f. Møller and Kay Fisker.

A vibrant, modern turn

The new building of six floors with a facade of glass, Sølvgade beat school is a vibrant, modern twist, but with its inclined shapes and colours for the pastel colors of Nyboder, it is also the historic environment.
Solvgade-school-03Inside, floorplan layout walls are steep turns and angle and color continues to connect color scheme inside and out, creating a challenging and dynamic learning environment.

Minimum use of energy and the optimal indoor climate

Honored with the time acquire passive solar methods and stack effect, school Sølvgade in Copenhagen, the Denmark improved the new technology. Avoid the pollution of the streets, the fresh air created and warmed up from the back of the building. The double glass facade full movement, evacuation of the air on the road with a natural chimney effect. Ventilation, optimum indoor climate significantly for a learning environment, these double glazed Windows create used triple duty that it dampens noise from the street and is used as a sunscreen. These and other methods use, used the building an impressive low 68 kwh/m2/year.
There is a good neighbor in every school. In the light, the light for the building surrounded not only his own needs in natural light that keeps building. These considerations expands through the rest of the form. While maintaining its modern sensations, the building borrows the references the historic environment, colors, and proportions. The structure complies with existing models to establish a connection with one side of Gables historic building facades over the block change.

Information about the project:

School for the Sølvgade
Address: Sølvgade 16, 1307 Copenhagen K
Size: 4500 m2 (renovations 2100 m2, new build 2400 m2)
Client: The city of Copenhagen and Copenhagen Ejendomme
Architect: C. F. Møller architects
Landscape: Architects c. F. Møller
Engineers: Esbensen Rådgivende Ingeniører and lazy Møller
Prize: 1st prize in the 2005 competition
Built: 2009-2011.

Moller instills new life in one of the oldest school of Denmark is a post from: Belle Interior

Modern House design want to cubic capacity interactivity Sitemap

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 06:59 AM PDT

This modern house design was interesting concept of architectural design. Outside this modern house design construction has want cubic capacity structure. That depends on the size of the Interior proportionally while cubic forms, and have harmoniously contrasting elements-decor coating, but feeling. External painted decoration, the elements in Cedar, stone, aluminum, colored stucco, glass and slate and wooden ramps. This modern house design consists of three floors, a storey below grade, consists of bedroom and Home Office workspace. Although placed in the class, even light floors because of the large hollow course to backyard, a generous natural light provide. Big hollow rivers in this conception of the modern House of stepped terrace surrounded. This is in direct contact in the free terrace is second floor and on the third floor of the stairs. The terrace of also the modern house design Gradin zone connection for soils of the class become and garden in step. Internal and external structure has wide space and with another level. Creating in the free and interactive House interaction site map all over the House. This modern House Interior with also contrasting materials, but keep created harmony and a comfortable atmosphere. Designed by Mark brand architecture .

wpid wpid spatial level interactive backyard garden modern house design2 500x332 Modern House design want to cubic capacity interactivity Sitemap

wpid wpid large sunken court innovative low grade floors6 500x331 Modern House design want to cubic capacity interactivity Sitemap

Modern House design want to cubic capacity interactivity Sitemap is a post from: Belle Interior

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